Muicle Mexican Honeysuckle Hierba tea 100 % natural Gabio Green Natural herbs (2oz)

“Muicle is known for improving blood circulation and overall wellness. 🔴💪

Benefits include: \n- Enhances blood health 🩸 \n- Supports circulation ❤️”

“Boost circulation — Get Muicle now! 🌿🛒”


Common names: Muicle o Hierba de la Virgen moyotli,Justicia Spicigera moyotle, muicle o ych-kaan, es una especie de planta acuática perteneciente a la familia de las acantáceas. Este arbusto llega a mediar hasta 16 m de alto con flores de color amarillo y rojo colgando del tallo.

One Pack Muicle bark, Native to Mexico, Central and South America, this powerful Mexican herb has always been a part of Hispanic culture.

Preparation: We heat 1 liter of water, take a fist of Muicle HONEYSUCKLE and add it to the water, let it boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand for 10 more minutes. Strain and drink as day water (cold or hot). It is recommended to drink 1 cup of tea

SKU: 5TA-MUICLE-2oz-GG Categoría:

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