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Cardo Mariano Herb, Milk Thistle Herb 100 % PURE & NATURAL Cardo Marin, Milk Thistle Loose Tea.

HOW TO DRINK: Steep a tea bag or 1 teaspoon of loose tea in 1 cup (237 mL) of hot water for 5–10 minutes. strain the tea before drinking it


  • Milk thistle Tea- Cardo Mariano Tea
  • Other Common Name: Marian thistle, Cardo mariano, Cardo lechoso.
  • 100% Natural Milk Thistle TEA Cardo Mariano TE ,30 days Returns.
  • Milk Thistel Herb Tea By Gabio Green.
  • Product From Mexico – Packaged in the USA.Milk thistle pack Cleansing & Liver Support, 100% Natural Milk Thistle TEA Cardo Mariano TE ,30 days Returns

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